Follow Us: @fledtamu

Service Events
We provide many service opportunities for our members and we seek to impact lives while building relationships with people and organizations in the Bryan/College Station community.

Our Philanthropy
This year we will be raising money to support the Miracle Foundation. The Miracle Foundation works to eliminate the need for orphanages globally, while also supporting children in the foster care system locally. They provide lots of resources for foster kids and created an app to support case managers.
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Weekly Service Events
We participate in various service events around the community each month. Past events have included volunteering with TAMU Build, South Knoll Elementary School, Boys and Girls Club, and Shackathon,

The Big Event
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The Big Event is one of our favorite A&M traditions and it is a great way to say thank you to our community. Along with Big Event we work with other TAMU service organizations such at The 12th Can Food Pantry and Build.